Sunday, July 31, 2011

I keep thinking.i Keep scratching a piece of paper with my pencil.i keep listening to different voices from both within and outside my soul, trying to figure out which one is really mine.i keep gazing on the street outside my house with a cup of coffee in my hand thinking...
Its been a while..since i have walked a thousand mile
to catch a beautiful smile
its been a while since i have spread my hands in air and felt the breeze hugging me
its been a while since i ran a marathon in the water logged streets and kicked a piece of stone
Its been while when i pulled out my favorite shirt and wore it with my favorite glares
Its been a while i sat on a coffee table and had a heated argument or a aimless conversation
Its been a while since i watched a early morning movie show after traveling for almost an hour
Its been since i hanged outside the train with breeze blowing through my hair
Its been a while since i traveled in a car packed with drunkards singing the worst of parody of my favorite song
Its been a while i have heard after drinking confessions and convictions
Its been a while i sat at lunch table for 1 hour and ended up eating nothing and still my stomach would be stressed out with endless smiles
Its been a while i fought with people and tried convincing them to my terms
Its been a while since i jumped high on the dance floor trying 2 catch the rainbow in the sky
Its been a while i laughed out loudly giving high five to every one around me..

They used to say, you will miss all this after you are gone..and we used to laugh at them..but standing here sipping my last gulp of coffee i realized..time has not just snatched my Google map location.Its much more than that.but ..when did exactly it happen?
Well sire!..Its been a while...